Starts With You


A state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.

“I am so glad to see that you have landed here. I have waited so long for my vision to come together I look forward to being able to help curate your unique beauty from the inside out. “

Love Always,

Jordan Eller- Rieke


Seint Official Artist.

Beauty Inspired. If you are looking to enjoy a new experience with makeup, update your routine with a color match, or become an artist for youself, you have landed in the right place.


Seint from Jana on Vimeo.


Find a list of services and their discriptions here.


Are you ready?

Ready to take the next step? You can request a consultions for a color match or first appointment at Reverie Salon via my booking website.

It is super easy to gift a loved one with a gift card that goes straight to their beauty account. You can purchase any dollar amount that won’t expire!